My name is Michael Aucoin and I’m an FPM with Boh Bros Construction. We are currently scheduled to do work on LA 1 starting in late June – August and are trying to find places to park our equipment over night. There is a piece of land next to the Champagne-Hays Bridge that y’all currently own that we are interested in using. Please contact me at 504-559-8732 or the email provided to discuss the possibility of using it for equipment parking.
Thank you
AUTHOR: Michael Aucoin
AUTHOR EMAIL: [email protected]
SUBJECT: [The Bayou Lafourche Historic Live Oak Tour] Contact
[1_Name] => Michael Aucoin
[2_Email] => [email protected]
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => My name is Michael Aucoin and I’m an FPM with Boh Bros Construction. We are currently scheduled to do work on LA 1 starting in late June – August and are trying to find places to park our equipment over night. There is a piece of land next to the Champagne-Hays Bridge that y’all currently own that we are interested in using. Please contact me at 504-559-8732 or the email provided to discuss the possibility of using it for equipment parking.
Thank you
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] =>
[feedback_id] => 4a552b21ea00804f71d797301eba7ec9