
The Boudreaux Oak

(The Boudreaux Oak is located at 2049 LA. Highway. 1, about 1/4 mile south of the St. Charles bridge, on the west bank of Bayou Lafourche. There is another large oak directly on the shoulder of LA. Hwy. 1 at the driveway to the Boudreaux home. This is a private residence.)

This oak is one of the two oldest oaks on Lafourche Live Oak Tour. For comparison, it is a full foot larger in girth (29 feet, 1 inch) than the famous “Angel Oak” (28 ft. girth) on St. John’s Island near Charlotte, North Carolina, which some people claim is more than 1,000 years old (most likely a large overstatement of its age). Though it doesn’t have the same long hanging limbs as the Angel Oak, the Boudreaux Oak is much older.

The Boudreaux Oak is not yet registered with the Live Oak Society but is one of 30 oldest oaks growing in Louisiana. (Yes, Louisiana has even larger and older oaks than this!)

Boudreaux Oak, study 6

At the highway edge of the property was another old oak (approximately 20 feet in girth) that was downed in Hurricane Ida in 2021. The larger oak is easy to spot – off a private driveway next to the pink/mauve cottage.

Shaded by the massive arching branches of the Boudreaux oak, the home is almost 100 years old and has been in the Boudreaux family for three generations. The current owner, Jerome Boudreaux, runs a gallery and gift shop on 7th Street around the corner from the Cathedral Oaks in Thibodaux.

Boudreaux Oak, view toward Hwy. 1

The Lafourche Live Oak Tour was created through the generous support of Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism. For more information on Lafourche Parish events and activities, visit their website at

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