(Khi Oak and Theriot Plantation Home are located at 3269 LA Hwy. 308 – 3 miles north of Raceland (toward Thibodaux) on LA Hwy. 308, or 12.5 miles from Thibodaux driving south. The Khi Oak is likely to be the largest oak on the property – which is the oak in the right foreground of the above photo.)

The Theriot Plantation Home was built in 1891 by Alexander L. Theriot. He was the son of Paul Justilien Theriot, who owned several plantations in the area, including the Home Place and Scudday Plantations. The Theriot home replaced an older residence at the location that was destroyed by fire.

There’s a bit of mystery associated with the name, Khi Oak. A study of the home and property done by the Lafourche Heritage Society stated that it’s unclear whether the Wilsons intended the name “Khi Oak” to represent the entire grove of oaks on the property of just a single oak. All that’s known today is that William W. and Melva Wilson purchased the plantation home in 1971 and registered one oak with the Live Oak Society named “Khi Oak” with a size, at the time, of 18 ft. 7 in. in girth. Though, they also erected a wrought-iron gate at the entrance to their home that reads “Khi Oak.”

The word “Khi” is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. It is also a variation of the Oriental term “chi,” which in Chinese philosophy and medicine is the circulating life force in all living things. Therefore, “Khi Oak” could translate to mean “Life Oak” or “Live Oak.” Though this is simply one possible interpretation since the Wilsons are no longer around to verify this. Whatever the case, there is a beautiful group of oaks surrounding the historic Theriot Home, and the home has been carefully restored by the current owners.
The Lafourche Live Oak Tour was created through the generous support of Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism. For more information on Lafourche Parish events and activities, visit their website at LACajunBayou.com.
Beautiful moss on these trees…