Hey there my names LT Clay Jordan a local central Louisiana Fireman at Kolin Fire and a treasure hunter “Metal Detecting” and I have family who lives straight across from the original Melrose plantation and part of the old plantation in Melrose bend straight across the River there. I was curious who I could speak with and possible get permission to metal detect any surrounding open farm fields or areas or who you could direct me to, so I can speak with them. Thank you and I hope to hear back. Thanks!
My number is 318-419-3194
AUTHOR: Clay Jordan
AUTHOR EMAIL: [email protected]
SUBJECT: [The Bayou Lafourche Historic Live Oak Tour] Contact
[1_Name] => Clay Jordan
[2_Email] => [email protected]
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Hey there my names LT Clay Jordan a local central Louisiana Fireman at Kolin Fire and a treasure hunter “Metal Detecting” and I have family who lives straight across from the original Melrose plantation and part of the old plantation in Melrose bend straight across the River there. I was curious who I could speak with and possible get permission to metal detect any surrounding open farm fields or areas or who you could direct me to, so I can speak with them. Thank you and I hope to hear back. Thanks!
My number is 318-419-3194
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://liveoaktour.com/contact/
[feedback_id] => 4d08fcca67ee0f67e379f6f7d4887d48